How Does Your Dog Gets Fleas and Ticks
Is your pet a soft target of fleas and ticks? Are those annoying creatures a common site on your pet’s body? Have you ever wondered where those pesky creatures come from? If you know the entry and exit of fleas then you can very well control them. Isn’t it? Well, it’s not that easy at the first place but with some proactive measures, you can certainly get rid of them. It is important to prevent these parasites as they may lead to several diseases in dogs and cats. Let us check the common places of flea infestations as well as the techniques to prevent them.
How fleas get on the pet’s body:
Fleas can hop on your pet’s body in any and every season. They get onto his furry body by various means like surroundings, other pets and even your vacation spots. Yes! Let us dig this a little more and see how fleas get on the pet’s body.
Seasonal infestations: Fleas become active in a damp and warm climate. They are at their best development phase at these times of the year. So, during the warm climates, there are more chances of flea and tick infestations.
Control and prevention: Warm seasons are a warnings sign for the entry of fleas. You can take special care of your pet in this season. Apply flea and tick prevention for dogs like topical treatments, collars, chewables before the onset of summers and you can be band on in controlling these pests.
Other pets: Your lovely furry baby would love to play with other animals and pets. Unfortunately, other animals can be carrying fleas, which can be easily transported to your pet. It is said that fleas hop on from one host to another. So, one of the sources of fleas is the ‘social circle’ of your pet.
Prevention: The best way to control parasite entry from other pets would be to treat all the pets. If you have more than one pet then treat them all with relevant flea preventives. If your pet enjoys the company of neighbor’s pet or flock around with other dogs in the park then make sure that the other animals are also treated for fleas.
Surroundings: Your yard, garden, field or camping spot are the natural grounds of all kinds of parasites. Whenever your pet visits these places, he is at the threat of grabbing a few parasites. Surroundings are the places from where pets get maximum infestations.
Prevention: You can treat your yard with natural or chemical flea preventives. While travelling to other destinations, make sure that your pet is treated with a long lasting flea and tick treatment. Daily tick check is a good habit to get rid off ticks. This is the best way as your pet will enjoy the fields and the sun without becoming a victim of the parasite attack.
You: Yes, you or your family members can also be the hands on transporters of fleas. If you go for hiking at a flea-infested place then your pants and clothes can be the easiest way through which fleas would enter your home. The annoying creatures will soon hop on the furry pet for their next blood meal.
Control and prevention: You can easily prevent this situation by changing the clothes as soon as you land at your place. Taking a good bath will help in eliminating the remaining fleas. So, just make sure that hygiene of the home, yourself and the pet’s area are of utmost importance.
To sum up, fleas prevention is easy if we know their common hideouts. By taking a few proactive measures as a pet parent, you can keep your pet safe, healthy and happy. Just fill up those loopholes in your routine pet care and keep your pet free from fleas and ticks. All the best!